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Safeguarding Policy

Susyballet is committed to:

• The safety and protection of children and adults with care and support needs in our care and preventing anything that contradicts the dignity and rights of a child. We will ensure that children are respected, taken seriously and listened to.

• A duty of care to children and adults with care and support needs whom we teach. Their parents/carers/guardians need to feel confident that, as an organization, we have the safety of their children as our primary concern.

• Ensuring that Susyballet staff are kept informed and supported about safeguarding and safe practice.

• Developing an environment of safety and security, operating to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s guidelines for the care of children within a dance teaching setting.

 Susyballet is guided by the following principles:

• The welfare of children and adults with care and support needs is paramount.

• All children and young people whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse.

• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

• All staff (paid/unpaid) should be clear on how to respond appropriately.

Susyballet does not tolerate any form of child abuse. Such behaviour will result in child protection procedures being implemented.

Should Susyballet become aware of past or current convictions or upheld disciplinary proceedings that suggest that anyone may be a risk to children, these will be considered in accordance with relevant legislation and alongside the requirements of the Safeguarding Policy.

The Safeguarding Policy is available to all members of staff and is also available to Susyballet students and parents.

Policy Aims:

Susyballet aims to implement the principles of the Government’s ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’ guidance, which underpins child protection and safeguarding in the United Kingdom, and also includes guidelines from the NSPCC and other sources.

The Susyballet Safeguarding Policy applies to all staff. Its purpose is to:  

• Demonstrate its commitment to the welfare of children and staff.

• Outline the legal requirements, organizational procedures and best practice for safeguarding.

This policy should be read alongside other policies, in particular our Terms and Conditions and General Data Protection policies.

Adults with care and support needs (formerly known as Vulnerable Adults)

This Policy will also relate to Safeguarding adults with care and support needs, as similar principles of care and protection apply to this group.

Roles and Responsibilities

Although Susyballet is not a statutory body, it has a duty of care for any child or adult with care and support needs with whom it interacts, regardless of the nature of the interaction, as well as a responsibility to act in the person’s best interests if it becomes aware of a risk of harm. This is the case even if the risk lies away from Susyballet.

Everybody working for Susyballet, whether as a permanent, casual or freelance member of staff, or as a volunteer, and regardless of seniority or role, has a responsibility to safeguard children and adults with care and support needs. They must be vigilant to the signs that may indicate harm or a risk of harm, and must report any disclosures or concerns, as soon as possible, to a ‘Safeguarding Lead’, Social Care or, in cases of emergency, the police.

In the case of contractors, visiting companies and other visiting individuals, it is incumbent upon the Principal that all appropriate persons are made aware of this policy and comply with it. Any person who works with or deals with children or adults with care and support needs at Susyballet in any capacity must read this policy alongside the following relevant guidance and procedures:

Safeguarding at Susyballet

Susyballet GDPR Policy

Susyballet Privacy Policy

Susyballet Code of behaviour and good practice

Susyballet Safe Touch Policy

Any safeguarding matter should be referred to the Principal, Susy Morley (Mobile: 07555 721370, email:






This document is designed to be read alongside the overall Susyballet Safeguarding Policy shown above.


Safeguarding Children: is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm by:

• Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment

• Preventing harm to children’s health or development

• Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care

• Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best life outcomes

Child Protection: is part of the safeguarding process and focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

Child: is defined as a person under the age of 18.

Young Person: The term ‘young person’ does not have legal status. However, it acknowledges that people in the upper age ranges of the official definition of ‘child’ may not think of themselves as children.

Responsible adult: Any adult, not being a parent of the child, who, for the time being, has legitimate care, custody or control of that child.

Parent: will include those with parental responsibility and may also include legal guardians.

Staff: References to ‘Staff’ refer to any adult who is employed, commissioned or contracted to work in either a paid or unpaid capacity by Susyballet.

An adult with care & support needs: (sometimes also known as a Vulnerable Adult or Adult with Safeguarding Needs): is a person aged 18 years or over who has need of care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting those needs). This could include people with mental health issues, physical, sensory or learning disabilities, medical conditions, dementia, brain injury or those who are elderly and frail. Safeguarding concerns arise when a person is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect and as a result of their needs is unable to protect themselves.

Roles and Responsibilities

Although Susyballet is not a Statutory Body, it has a duty of care for any child or adult with care & support needs with whom it interacts, regardless of the nature of the interaction, as well as a responsibility to act in their best interests if it becomes aware of a risk of harm, even if the risk lies away from Susyballet. Everybody working for Susyballet, whether as a permanent, casual or freelance member of staff, or as a volunteer, and regardless of seniority or role, has a responsibility to safeguard children. They must be vigilant to the signs that may indicate a person is experiencing harm or is at risk of harm, and must report any disclosures or concerns, as soon as possible, to a ‘Safeguarding Lead’, Social Care or in cases of emergency, the police.

In the case of Contractors, Visiting Companies and Consultants it is incumbent upon the Principal that all such persons are made aware of this policy and comply with it.

Safeguarding Lead:

The designated Safeguarding lead contact at Susyballet is Susy Morley (Principal). Contact details are and office contact is 07555721370.

The safeguarding lead has received sufficient safeguarding training, renewed regularly. The responsibility of the safeguarding lead is to act as the first point of call for anyone within Susyballet who may have concerns about the welfare of a child or young person. The safeguarding lead can also provide initial guidance to staff concerned about a child protection issue and can make accurate records of concerns about children and young people and the actions taken.

It is not the responsibility of anyone working at Susyballet to decide whether or not a child/young person or adult with care & support needs is being abused or might be abused. However, there is a responsibility to act on concerns in order that appropriate agencies can then make enquiries and take any necessary action to protect the child/person or others. Susyballet will assure all staff that it will fully support and protect anyone who in good faith reports a concern that a colleague is, or may be, abusing a child or other person.

Adults with care and support needs

 The Guidance and Policy here primarily refers to children. However, the principles and practice around safeguarding adults are similar to those which apply to children, though it must be recognized that adults can make informed choices for themselves. Safeguarding adults with care & support needs balances their right to be safe with the right to make informed choices, while making sure their wellbeing is being promoted. This includes taking a person’s views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into account in deciding action. It must be noted that while Local Authority Social Care has a duty to investigate abuse, the teams that deal with Adults with care & support needs are separate to those that deal with children. The four main categories of abuse of children are similar to those that apply to adults with care & support needs, e.g. physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. Neglect can include self-neglect. However, there are additional categories: Financial, organizational and discriminatory. See guidance ‘Summary of types of abuse and indicators’.

What is abuse?

Abuse is any action by another person, adult or child that causes significant harm to a child or adult with care & support needs. It is the abuse of relationships, a misuse of power and/or a betrayal of trust. While it can be committed by strangers, it is most often committed by people known to the child or adult, and in many cases carried out by the person who should be protecting them. It can also be committed by peers, even other children.

The Government’s Working Together to Safeguard Children document details four key types of abuse:

- Physical

- Sexual

- Emotional

 - Neglect

It can be an actual act or an omission: for example, a lack of love, care and attention or protection. Neglect, whatever form it takes, can be as damaging as physical abuse. A child or adult with care & support needs may experience more than one type of abuse. It can often happen over a period of time but can also be a one-off event. Increasingly it can happen online. The results of abuse may have an immediate and harmful effect but may also be ongoing throughout a person’s life. They are frequently more harmful than many people realize.

These broad categories can include other specific types of abuse, such as Bullying, Psychological Abuse, Racism, Forced Marriage, Honour-Based Violence, Sexual Exploitation, Modern Slavery, Trafficking, Radicalization and Female Genital Mutilation. These, together with their indicators are summarized in the ‘Summary of Types of Abuse and Indicators’ Document’.

In general terms these categories also apply to Adults with care & support needs. Neglect could include self-neglect, and physical abuse could include Domestic Harm. There are also additional categories for this vulnerable group:

- Financial or Material Abuse

- Organizational Abuse

- Discriminatory Abuse

Factors within the person’s environment, particularly substance abuse, mental illness or violence, as well as other factors such as disability, bullying, poverty, family separation, bereavement, behavioural issues, exclusion from education, social isolation, homelessness, episodes of missing or other similar factors increase vulnerability.

Children’s Social Care have a legal duty to investigate and take any action to protect children where there are concerns that they are at risk of suffering significant harm. Investigations may often be carried out jointly with the police. Likewise, the Safeguarding Adults Team are responsible around adults with care & support needs.

Many types of abuse are criminal offences and should be treated as such.

General signs of abuse

Flinching regularly in response to a seemingly normal action such as when someone raises a hand quickly.

Demonstrating fear about a particular place or making excuses to avoid seeing certain people

Knowledge of adult issues for example “alcohol, drugs, sexual activities”, which are inappropriate to their age and stage of development

Angry outbursts or aggressive behaviour towards other children, adults, animals or toys

Becoming withdrawn or appearing anxious, clingy or depressed

Self-harming or thoughts about suicide

Changes in eating habits or developing eating disorders

Regularly experiencing sleep problems or nightmares

Regularly wetting the bed or soiling clothing

In older children substance misuse and criminal activity

Running away or regularly going missing from home or care

Not receiving adequate medical attention after injuries

These signs do not necessarily mean a child is being abused. There may well be other reasons for changes in a child’s behaviour for example bereavement or relationship problems between parents/carers and child. In assessing whether signs are related to abuse or not, they need to be considered in the context of the child’s development and situation.


Staff are required to familiarize themselves with the indicators of abuse. The presence of an indicator is not proof that abuse has occurred, but may signify the possibility of significant harm and prompt careful assessment in consultation with the Safeguarding Lead should occur.

Further information on the different types of abuse is also available at: and

Responding to abuse

It can be very difficult for a child or adult to report that they are being abused, particularly while it is happening or if the person responsible is known to them. It is important that any allegation is taken seriously, and that everything is recorded factually and on the same day as the allegation is made. If a child or adult says or indicates that he or she is being abused, or information is obtained which gives concern that a child is being abused, you should follow the guidance below. The ‘Five Rs’ summarize what needs to be done should a concern become evident.


There are several circumstances in which staff might have concerns that a person attending Susyballet has been or is being abused:

• Direct disclosure – The child or adult may speak about abuse they have experienced either currently or historically.

• Disclosure from a third party – A parent, relative, carer or another child or adult may share concerns.

• Observation – Concerns may be raised through observing one or more indicators of abuse: for example, an injury for which there is no adequate explanation, or behavioural changes. Lack of some indicators does not mean that abuse has not occurred.

• Colleague conduct – There may be concern about the conduct of a colleague(s) when working with children, young people or adults with care & support needs.

The concern or allegation could be about a Susyballet member of staff but also somebody not connected to Susyballet. It is important to be aware that a child/young person/adult can also be abused by another child/young person. Whatever the concern – whether you have been told something by a child or another person, whether you have seen or heard it, or whether you become aware of a breach of policy – YOU MUST SHARE IT. It does not matter how you have become aware or how the child or adult has come into contact with Susyballet.


• Recognize the signs of abuse or the concern.

• Listen to what is being said, without displaying shock or disbelief.

• Accept what is said and react calmly so as not to frighten the child or adult.

• Make a note of what has been said as soon as possible.

• Tell the child/adult it is not their fault and they were right to tell you – but only so far as is honest and reliable.

• It is important that you do not promise to keep it a secret as your professional responsibilities require you to report the matter in order to keep the child/adult safe. They can be reassured that the matter will be disclosed only to people who need to know about it.

• Question them only as far as is necessary for you to clarify what the concern is.

• Do not ask ‘leading’ questions (those which suggest the answer in the question). Such questions may invalidate the integrity of the disclosure. It is much better to use open questions such as ‘Describe….’ or ‘Tell me about …’ or ‘Explain...’ or ‘Who, What, When, Where, How’.

• Take what the child/adult says seriously, recognizing the difficulties inherent in interpreting what is said if they have a speech disability and/or English is not their first language.

• Explain what you have to do next and whom you have to talk to.

• Keep them safe. You may need the help of the police or Social Services to do this.


- It is important to record what happened. Records may be needed for reference long after events have faded from memory. A record must be detailed, accurate, factual, written as close to the event as possible, signed and dated.

 - Do not destroy any original notes. They will need to be retained in case they are required by an Investigation or Court.

- Full reports should include:

• Date and time of the report.

• Name of the child/adult, their age and date of birth.

• Home address and telephone number of the child.

• Date and time of the incident/disclosure.

• Name and role of the person to whom the concern was originally reported and their contact details.

• Name and role of the person making the report (if this is different to the above) and their contact details.

• The nature of the allegation. Include dates, times, any special factors and other relevant information.

• A clear distinction between what is fact, opinion or hearsay.

• A description of any visible bruising or other injuries.

• Any indirect signs, such as behavioural changes.

• Names of all parties who were involved in the incident, including any witnesses to an event.

• The child’s/adult’s account of what has happened, if it can be given, and how any bruising or other injuries occurred. Be specific when noting the words used by the child/adult.

• What was said or done and by whom.

• If the child or adult was not the person who reported the incident, have they been spoken to? If so, what was said?

• Are the parents/carers aware or have they been contacted? If so, what has been said?*

• Has anyone been alleged to be the abuser? Record details.

 • Any further action. *As abuse often happens within the home or from someone connected with the home, it is important to seek advice from Social Care or the police prior to contacting parents or carers.

• Any Referral to the Social Care team can be made initially over the telephone but should be confirmed in writing as soon as possible, and the name of the contact who took the referral should be recorded as well as the advice given.

• Detail the reasons why any decision was made not to refer concerns to a statutory agency (if relevant).

• Make sure the report is factual. Interpretation or inference drawn from what was observed, said or alleged can be valid and useful but it should be clearly recorded as such.

• The record should always be signed by the person making the report.

• The report should be compiled irrespective of whether a referral is made or not.


• Share your concerns initially with the designated Safeguarding Lead. All concerns will be considered and a decision reached as to whether the concern should be referred to Social Care services and/or the police.

• If the parent or carer is not aware of the disclosure, or they are the alleged abuser, wait for guidance from the police or children’s services before informing them.

• If, for any reason, the Safeguarding Lead is not available, advice can be obtained from Social Care or police. If it is not an emergency, advice can be sought from the NSPCC.


• The designated Safeguarding Lead will usually be the initial decision-maker, but anyone can make a referral if necessary. Again, advice can be sought from agencies if in doubt.

• In cases of emergency, where a crime has been committed or action is needed to keep the person safe, then the police should be called without delay. The Safeguarding Lead can be informed as soon as possible after this if necessary.

• Potential outcomes, dependent on the seriousness of the concern, could be a referral to a statutory agency such as Social Services or the police.

• Generally, the referral should be made to Social Care Services where the concern was raised or the incident happened. However, if the concern is around a member of staff the local authority for the area where the staff member works should be informed. In the case of Susyballet, this is the RBWM.

• Contact details for external agencies can be found on the internet, and at the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

• Referrals can be initially made verbally but must be followed up with a written report as soon as possible. Do not delay informing the police or Social Services simply in order to complete a written report, as this could hinder further enquiries or actions by investigating agencies.

• A referral should not be simply sent over (for example by fax or e-mail) and left without following up that it has been received.

• If a concern is allayed and a decision is made not to make a referral, then the Safeguarding Lead will still be required to record details of the concern and details as to why a referral was not made. This information may become relevant later if further concerns emerge.

• After a referral, it would be good practice for the Safeguarding Lead to consider carrying out a de-briefing to address communication, staff concerns, impact on staff and gaps in service.


Actions of the Safeguarding Lead:

On receipt of the concern or incident the nominated Safeguarding Lead ensures that the necessary compliance with safeguarding procedures has taken place. Consideration will be given to the seriousness of the allegation, the evidence provided to support the allegation at that point, whether a criminal offence may have been committed, the potential risk to the child or other children/ adult(s) and whether to refer to the police or Social Care services, or follow other courses of action such as record only, or monitor. If a child is with a school group or the concern arises at a school or college, then in all cases the school’s or college’s Designated Safeguarding Lead must be informed. The Safeguarding Lead:

• Does not investigate the matter but gathers factual information.

• Ensures any evidence is preserved.

• Obtains signed and dated written details of the concern/allegation, from the person receiving it (but not the child/adult actually making the allegation).

• Approves and dates the written details.

• Records: information (times, dates and location of incident/s and names of potential witnesses).

• Records: who was contacted, discussions and decisions made and the reasons for those decisions.

 • Reviews the information available and considers whether there is harm/risk of harm.

• If harm/risk of harm is identified, the Safeguarding Lead notifies Children’s or Adults’ services as soon as possible or where necessary the police.

• Ensures advice by police or Social Care is implemented.

• If the allegation or concern is about a member of staff working with children, then the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) should also be informed within 24 hours.

• If there is no harm/risk of harm and this is a discipline issue only, the Safeguarding Lead should take steps to ensure any conduct or behaviour issues are addressed through normal employment practices.

• If in doubt, discusses the case with the Children’s Services, LADO (Local authority designated officer), the police, NSPCC


 Allegations against Members of Staff

In all cases in which it is alleged that any member of staff, no matter who they are, has:

a) Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child or children, or adult(s) with care & support needs or

b) Possibly committed a criminal offence against a child or children, or adult(s) with care & support needs, or

c) Behaved towards a child in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable for such work, or

d) Exploited a position of trust, power or responsibility, or

e) Contravened the standards of safe practice for children/adults with care & support needs, expected by Susyballet or in guidance for working with children/adults

This should be referred to the Local Authority or the police as previously outlined. In the case of a child, it must be ensured that the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is informed within 24 hours. As with all cases, if it is an emergency or if a crime has been committed, or there is immediate risk, then the police should be informed immediately.

It is important that staff do not seek to interview the child/adult, influence the parents or carers, seek to stop the child/adult from informing the statutory agencies or try to supress the concern. Such action is contrary to all the principles of safeguarding and could constitute a criminal offence.

These instructions include allegations of abuse that may be made some time after the event where the member of staff is still or may potentially still be working with children or adults at risk, and allegations where a person has abused a position of trust. If the alleged abuser is no longer working in such a position, the investigation may be progressed by the police alone; however, it would still be good practice to liaise with Social Care services or the LADO for child concerns initially.

Social Care Services or the LADO will advise on procedure, including risk management and suspension, support for the child/adult and, in consultation with the police and/or any other relevant agencies, what information should be shared with the parents/carers, or the member of staff who is the subject of the allegation, particularly if there is a criminal or Child Protection investigation.

If the decision is made to suspend an individual, it is extremely important for all members of the organization to understand fully that suspension is the neutral course of action taken in these cases, and no guilt should be attached to the fact that a person has been suspended.

If a Strategy Meeting is convened by Social Care services or the LADO, the Safeguarding Lead will attend. Information will be shared and a decision made as to whether the child has suffered significant harm and how the matter should progress.

Susyballet is aware that we have a responsibility not only both to children and adults but also to the member of staff who has been accused. To be accused of abuse or inappropriate behaviour is an extremely traumatic experience for all concerned. Support from an independent agency should be advised.

In all instances Susyballet will seek to ensure that any staff member is treated fairly and honestly and that they are supported so that they understand the concerns expressed and processes involved. They will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of any investigation and the implications for any disciplinary or related process.

Subject to advice from Social Care services and the LADO, and subject to any consequent restrictions on the information that can be shared, Susyballet will, as soon as possible, inform the accused person about the nature of the allegation, how enquiries will be conducted and the possible outcomes.

There may be up to three strands in the consideration of an allegation:

• disciplinary action in respect of the individual  

• a police investigation

• Social Care services’ investigation as to whether the child is in need of protection or in need of services

The results of a Social Care services or the police child/adult protection investigation may well influence any disciplinary investigation, but not necessarily.

If Susyballet removes an employee from working with children or adults with care & support needs (or would have, had the person not left first) because the person is believed to pose a risk of harm to children or adults with care & support needs, Susyballet must make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service within three months. Social Care services or the LADO can advise on this.

The role of the LADO applies only to children. If the concern is around the practices of a person working with Adults with care & support needs, the Local Authority Safeguarding Adults team will need to be informed.

Records: Storage and retention of records

If concerns about a child or adult’s welfare or safety are noted, it’s vital all relevant details are recorded. This must be done regardless of whether the concerns are shared with the police or Social Care.

Information about concerns and referrals will be kept securely in the confidential area of the Safeguarding Intranet Site.

The Safeguarding lead will collate these records. A file for each child/adult, rather than one ‘concern log’, will be created as soon as concerns have been raised, and kept until a child reaches the age of 25 or for ten years in other cases.

When there are concerns about behaviour of staff, comprehensive records will be made in line with  Data Protection policy. Records will be kept for ten years or until the individual retires, whichever is longer.

Records will include:

• what the allegations were;

• how the allegations were followed up;

• how things were resolved;

• any action taken;

• decisions reached about the person’s suitability to work with vulnerable groups.

Keeping these records will enable accurate information to be provided:

• in response to future requests for a reference;

• if a future employer asks for clarification about information disclosed as part of a vetting and barring check; or if allegations resurface after a period of time.

Information sharing

Susyballet has a responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of children or adults with care & support needs. Every effort should be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. Information should be disseminated only:

• when necessary and proportionate to the purpose, for example to protect the child or adult from significant harm.

• with only those who need to have it.

• if it is accurate and

• if it complies with the law.

It must be remembered that the Data Protection Act 2018 is not a barrier to information sharing but a framework to ensure information is shared appropriately.

It is good practice to make a record of why information is shared.

Members of staff who receive information about children, adults and their families in the course of their work should share that information only within appropriate professional contexts.



Susyballet operates a Whistleblowing Policy. Susyballet encourages all members of staff to raise any concerns that they may have about the conduct of others in the organization in relation to any suspected instances of fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing. This policy sets out Susyballet’s position in these matters and lays out a procedure for individuals to raise any concerns and how those concerns will be dealt with. The procedure applies to all employees, casual staff, contractors and freelance staff.

If staff are concerned about the conduct of a colleague when working with children or adults with care & support needs, this should be raised with the Safeguarding Lead. If the conduct casts doubt over the suitability of that person to work with children or adults at risk then action must be taken in accordance with this Safeguarding Policy, including referral to the LADO.

Although concerns should in the first instance be raised with the Principal, as a further safeguard, if the concern persists, there are a number of alternative courses of action to facilitate whistleblowing independent of the organization.

NSPCC offer whistleblowing advice on 0800 0280 285

Crimestoppers is a charity independent of the police where information about crime can be reported anonymously. They can be contacted online: or by phone on 0800 555 111.

Also there is the Charity Commission:




Safeguarding Leads will need to attend adequate safeguarding training and continue to attend refresher training regularly.

Chaperones receive safeguarding training as part of their chaperone licence and are expected to keep themselves up to date with legislation/procedures.

Staff at Susyballet will be regularly updated about first aid procedures, evacuation procedure, health and safety and safeguarding updates. This will occur annually or as is required and on induction for new staff.

Freelance staff or contracted staff should take responsibility for their own training and development and seek further training as and when required. Assurance from contractors should be sought about this, including their safeguarding policies.

The ‘Arena of Safety’

All staff should demonstrate appropriate attitudes and behaviour towards children and operate within the ‘Arena of Safety’. If all staff are aware of the ‘Arena of Safety’ and behave appropriately, it contributes to making Susyballet a safe organization for all, including children and adults with care & support needs.

The ‘Arena of Safety’ is a place of good relationships, integrity and respect for others and yourself. It is a position where morale and confidence are enhanced and where both adults and children can feel safe. It is a place of appropriate attitudes, behaviour, lifestyle, regime and cultural practice. Susyballet operates a code of conduct, which all staff must adhere to when working with children.

 All staff working with children and adults with care & support needs, where they qualify, have the correct DBS clearance appropriate to their role.

Physical Contact (safe touch Policy)

There are occasions when it is entirely appropriate and proper for staff to have physical contact with children or adults with care & support, for example, to demonstrate techniques in how to use a piece of equipment, to adjust posture, support a child or adult with care & support needs so they can perform an activity safely or prevent injury, or to enable fitting of a costume. A general culture of ‘safe touch' should be adopted, where appropriate.

It is not possible to be specific about the appropriateness of each instance of physical contact, since an action that is appropriate with one person in one set of circumstances, may be inappropriate in another, or with a different person.

However, it is crucial that contact is only made in ways appropriate to the staff member’s professional role, only when it is necessary in relation to a particular activity, in response to the child/adult with care & support needs, requirements at the time, of minimum duration and appropriate to their age, stage of development, gender, ethnicity and background.

It is good practice if all parties clearly understand at the outset what physical contact is necessary and appropriate in undertaking specific activities. Keeping parents/carers and children or adults with care & support needs informed of the extent and nature of any physical contact may also prevent allegations of misconduct or abuse arising.

Where possible, contact should take place in a safe and open environment, i.e. one easily observed by others.

Physical contact should never be secretive, or for the gratification of the adult, or represent a misuse of authority.

Not all children or adults with care & support needs feel comfortable about certain types of physical contact; some children are more comfortable with touch than others and/or may be more comfortable with touch from some adults than others. This should be recognized and, wherever possible, staff should seek the child or adult at risk’s permission before initiating contact and should be sensitive to any signs, whether expressed verbally or non-verbally, that they may be uncomfortable or embarrassed. They should use a level of contact and/or form of communication which is acceptable to the child. Staff should exercise their professional judgement at all times.

Children or adults with disabilities may require more physical contact to assist their everyday learning. The arrangements should be understood and agreed by all concerned, justified in terms of the child’s needs, consistently applied and open to scrutiny.

Extra caution may be required where it is known that a child or adult with care & support needs has suffered previous abuse or neglect. Staff need to be aware that the child may associate physical contact with such experiences. They also should recognize that these children may seek out inappropriate physical contact. In such circumstances staff should deter the child or adult at risk sensitively and help them to understand the importance of personal boundaries.

Any incidents of physical contact that cause concern or fall outside of these protocols and guidance should be reported to the Principal, chaperone or to the Safeguarding Lead. If a member of staff believes that an action by them or a colleague could be misinterpreted, or if an action is observed which is possibly abusive, the incident and circumstances should be immediately reported and recorded.

August 2020 update: During the Covid-19 outbreak, in compliance with social distancing guidelines, there will be no physical contact other than that which is deemed appropriate for the purposes of first aid and then only if absolutely necessary and whilst wearing appropriate PPE.

Personal Care

Children or adults with care & support needs are entitled to respect and privacy at all times, and especially when in a state of undress, including, for example, when changing or going to the toilet. This means that staff should:

• Not change or go to the toilet in the presence or sight of children/adults with care & support needs.

• Avoid any visually intrusive behaviour.

• Announce their intention of entering changing rooms and comply with any instructions given by a chaperone (during shows etc).

• Always consider the supervision needs of the child/ adult with care & support needs and only remain in the room when their needs require this.

Children or adults with care & support needs should be encouraged to act as independently as possible and to undertake as much of their own personal care as is possible and practical. However, there needs to be an appropriate level of supervision around toilets or changing rooms in order to safeguard children, satisfy health and safety considerations and ensure that bullying or other inappropriate behaviour does not occur. This supervision should be appropriate to the needs and age of the young people or adults with care & support needs concerned and sensitive to the potential for embarrassment. In practice a ‘presence’ around the toilets in nearby proximity would generally be appropriate.

Staff should not assist with intimate or personal care tasks which the child/adult with care & support needs is able to undertake independently. However, if additional support for children with additional needs (i.e. special personal care support) is required then this should be part of a pre-agreed plan with the parent or carer. When assistance around personal care is required, this should normally be undertaken by either the parent or carer or other similarly appropriate person. In the exceptional event that staff including chaperones have no option but to provide personal care such in the case of an emergency, and when not to do so would not be in the interest of the child, this should be undertaken by one member of staff. However, they should try to ensure that another member of staff is in the vicinity who is aware of the task to be undertaken and that, wherever possible, they are within sight and hearing. A signed record should be kept of any care tasks undertaken, who was present, where and when they took place and the reasons why. The Principal should be informed, as well as the parent or carer.

If a child or adult with care & support needs has additional care needs, a written care plan pre-agreed with the parent or carer should be put in in place. In such cases:

• Staff should be made aware of the tasks required to be undertaken and by whom.

• Staff should always explain to the child what is happening before a care procedure begins.

• Staff should consult with colleagues where any variation from an agreed procedure/care plan is necessary

• Staff should record the justification for any variations to the agreed procedure/care plan and share this information with the child and their parents/carers

A violation of the ‘Arena of Safety’

A violation of the ‘Arena of Safety’ concerns inappropriate attitudes and behaviour that confuses the relationship and makes the vulnerable feel unsafe. Such behaviour also gives more weight to any allegation that may be subsequently made. It is the exploitation of a trusted relationship to satisfy personal needs. Focus of concern is normally physical or sexual, but it may also be emotional, financial, self-promoting etc.

It usually involves the following:

Role reversal, dividing and ruling, ruling rather than serving, not listening and being above criticism, secret behaviour, extraneous commitments, separating out and giving special attention, bullying, manipulation, indulgence in personal privilege, unacceptable power and control issues, loyalty being used to maintain silence and control.

If the ‘Arena of Safety’ is not being employed by individuals in practice, or there is a suspicion that a member of staff is acting inappropriately, and it is felt that it is not being taken account, a ‘whistle-blowing’ protocol exists. Anyone at Susyballet can give information on a confidential basis to whistleblowing helplines and organisations. In certain circumstances it may not be appropriate for a member of Susyballet staff to investigate an alleged incident, in which case investigations must be left to appropriate professionals.

On occasion, the evidence needed to prosecute an alleged offender ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ is of such a high standard of proof that a prosecution will not take place and even if a prosecution goes ahead, that person may be acquitted. Employees need to be aware that regardless of whether a prosecution takes place, behaviour may still be in breach of Susyballet standards of conduct, and the allegations subject to an internal disciplinary process, subject to the advice of Social Care Services.

Bullying and Harassment Policy

All individuals have the right to attend Susyballet without fear of harassment or abuse, whether they are teachers, other staff, students, visitors or volunteers and whether on the grounds of sex, race or colour, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion or duties . It is Susyballet policy to make every effort to provide a working and learning environment free of harassment and intimidation. Harassment may constitute unlawful behaviour. It is also improper and inappropriate behaviour that lowers morale and interferes with work effectiveness. It makes the work environment threatening. Such behaviour is unwelcome and unacceptable. It is against the policies of Susyballet for a staff member to harass another staff member. Such conduct will not be condoned or tolerated. Whilst the implementation of the policy is the duty of the Principal, all staff are expected to comply with this policy and take appropriate measures to ensure that such conduct does not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal for serious offences, will be taken against anyone who violates this policy.

As a dance school we do not accept or tolerate any form of bullying.




Susyballet is committed to protecting your personal information. It’s your personal information and we respect that. We also want to provide our customers with information which suits their needs.

Our Privacy Policy gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure.

The information you share with us means you’ll receive a more personalized and rewarding experience e.g. information about classes, performances etc. and a smoother class and product-buying process. 

How We Collect Your Personal Information

Generally, we collect your information when you decide to interact with us. This could include purchasing classes online, over the phone or in person or it could be where you sign up to receive emails from us. We also look at how our audience use our website, so that we can offer the best possible experience whether you’re booking classes or just trying to find out more about us.

The Types of Information We Collect

We only collect the information that’s necessary to carry out our business, provide the particular service you’ve requested and to keep you informed. Generally, we require information in order to provide teaching which is right for you and/or your child. There are occasions when you can choose not to give us certain information, but this for example, may limit the level of personalization we offer e.g. you may not get to hear about new classes or products.

We collect personal information about you and/or your child which include:

Name, address, phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contact & family information,  health & medical needs, developmental needs, special educational needs, care & support needs, child’s current academic school. Examining boards may also request additional information such as ethnic origin. Your permission is required to pass information onto such third party providers and this is requested on our registration form. In the case of the NHS Test & Trace programme during the Covid-19 outbreak, we are required to retain some personal details for 21 days and share with the programme if they are requested. We do not have to obtain consent for this.

Where applicable we may obtain child protection plans from social care or health care plans from health professionals.

It is particularly important that we are made aware of any court orders in relation to a child or if parental/guardian responsibility differs at any time from details provided on registration form.

We collect this personal information via our registration form prior to enrolment but some information may also be obtained via cookies on our website.

Why We Collect Your Personal Information and How We Use It

The information we hold on you will be used in a number of ways. Here are the main ones: to provide a service you have requested (i.e. provide dance tuition), offer you a personalized experience and understand our customer’s needs better, inform you of events or updates you’ve asked for or contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information (e.g. class changes).

We can also use your personal data to contact you in case of an emergency.

We may use your personal data to support a child’s wellbeing and development, to manage any health related issues, We may use your details for fundraising, carry out progress assessments, to enter children for examinations, send out invoices for tuition, fulfil licensing requirements for performances, apply for DBS for staff, maintain our own accounts and lawful records.

With your consent we may film or photograph your child’s classes for their own feedback, for sharing between Susyballet staff for choreographic and teaching purposes, marketing purposes or social media.

We have a legal responsibility to share safeguarding related data about your child/children should concerns about their welfare arise.


How We Handle Your Information and Other Organizations

Susyballet will never share, sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent. We will ask for your consent to share personal information with other organizations such as the Royal Academy of dance (for exam entries etc)

Some of our service providers may have access to your data in order to perform services on our behalf – payment processing is a good example of this. We make sure anyone who provides a service for Susyballet meets our standards for data security. They will not use your data for anything other than the clearly defined purpose relating to the service that they are providing.

We may share your data with teaching staff, admin staff, exam boards, local authorities responsible for performance licenses, competition & festival organisers, event management teams.

We may share your data if legally required to do so by law or by a court. We may use your data to enforce or apply the terms and conditions of your registration contract with us. We may share your data to protect children from harm by sharing information with the police or social care. We may share your data if we need to protect our rights, property or safety. We may share your data upon transference of company ownership, in order that the new owner may continue trading and providing a teaching service in the same way. 

How We Protect Your Data

Susyballet is committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us. We adopt robust and appropriate technologies and policies, so the information we have about you is protected from unauthorized access and improper use.

How long do we keep your data

Exam results, festival results etc are kept indefinitely for our own statistics but not stored in a way that they can be linked to a name. Personal data is kept for one year after leaving the school. Medical, accident and medical records are kept in accordance with legal requirements. Records of invoices are kept for seven years in line with UK tax laws. Details such as phone numbers, address, emergency contacts, SEN details are kept until you/your child leaves the school. In some instances such as child protection, we may need to keep your data for longer to comply with legal requirements.

Your Choices

You can amend the personal information that we hold on you, request data portability (transferring data to you or someone else) or request that we stop contacting you or processing your data at any time by emailing the Principal at Susyballet. It’s your data and we want to make sure you feel in control of it.

Updates or Changes to the Privacy Notice and Further Information

This notice was updated August 2020. It may be updated to take into account changes at Susyballet or for example to reflect changes to regulation or legislation.


On enrolling at our school, a registration form must be completed by all customers. The registration form also includes a consent form for photography and video. For existing students, any changes to be made to existing details or consents must be put in writing to the Principal.

We may use photography or video for choreography or teaching purposes as well as for use in marketing. Permission is required in order to use images of any of our students and we will not name or tag any student without the permission of the parent/guardian or student themselves (over 18). Images can be removed from our social media sites by writing to the Principal and requesting this. Students over 13 can ask the Principal to remove images of themselves by contacting the Principal. To remove images from our website which we were given previous permission to use, we must have this request in writing and be given six month’s notice to remove images.

With regard to social media use we have the following advice for staff, students and parents:

Staff should:

• Not accept friend requests from current pupils, or ex-pupils under the age of 18  

• Exercise caution in deciding what to share on social media

• Only post things that they would be happy to be associated with as dance teacher

• Use the tightest privacy settings possible

• Be careful about how they communicate with students and parents and to always be respectful, polite and patient. Staff should be careful not to make promises or statements towards customers which they cannot guarantee or which have not been discussed with the Principal first.

• Communicating with parents via social media or via personal mobiles should be avoided, instead using school email

Parents/guardians are requested to:

• Not post photos, videos or make comments on social media that include or name other students at the school

• Discuss any queries or complaints directly with the Principal rather than discussing concerns with other parents on group chats or on social media. We kindly ask that any queries, concerns or complaints are raised directly with the school rather than posting them on social media

• Not post anything unkind about the school or any member of its students and/or staff.

Students are requested to:

• Abide by rules for signing up to social media sites (13 for most sites including Facebook and Instagram)

• Ask permission from parents/guardians before joining social media groups.

• Think about the comments they choose to make (including in private messages) about the school, teachers or other children and be kind and thoughtful towards others.

• Not post photos, videos or make comments on social media that include or name other students at the school

Enforcing our policy

If we become aware of anyone not following our rules and not meeting our child protection requirements regarding social media, we will contact you and ask you to remove any offensive or inappropriate content.

Unfortunately, if irresponsible and inappropriate behaviour of this kind continues then a ban on cameras, mobile phones and video will be considered. We respectfully remind our customers that we have a duty of care to all our students and identifying a child who is the subject of a safeguarding case (e.g. a child who has been adopted or fostered, or who has an injunction against a family member) could put them at risk.

Government recommendations regarding offensive online material, advises that the parent/guardian should be invited to a meeting with the school. If the parent/guardian has a reasonable complaint, this should be addressed through contacting the office – but we can request that the offensive comments are removed. If Susyballet feel it is necessary , we can report the matter to the social networking site or the local authority or they can seek legal advice. Comments that are threatening, abusive, racist, sexist or hateful will be removed.



Should only be accessed via a parent or guardian’s account.


Please do not use the zoom platform to communicate regarding lessons or any other potentially private information. This should continue to be done via email or the office mobile phone number.

Supervision of students under 18 during online classes

Parental/guardian supervision is required throughout all online classes for all children under 18. Parents do not have to be in view of the camera but must be at least close by and observing the lesson to check for any problems.

Safety of environment

Please ensure you have an adequately safe area to dance in. It must be a big enough area to move all your limbs around freely without fear of hitting any furniture or objects whilst you dance. Can you jump safely in the dance area? Will you hit your head on anything? What is the flooring like? A hard-paved floor could be very dangerous to slip and fall over onto and no jumping should take place on a hard floor. Is your floor carpeted? Again, you could hurt yourself if you attempted turning movements on a carpeted floor. Consider what would be a suitable ledge instead of a ballet barre. This must be sturdy and not likely to cause injury. Be careful of using radiators in case of burning yourselves. Ensure you move any valuable objects before you start dancing.

Children should not follow an online class in their bedrooms but in an open, communal and safe part of their home.

These are just some of the considerations you need to think about when choosing your dance space. Please note that no responsibility will be taken by Susyballet or Susyballet employees for any physical injuries or breakages of personal belongings sustained during online teaching due to your environment.


Partaking in online classes is taken at your own risk. You should only take part if you are free of injury and are in good health. If you have any health concerns you should discuss these with a medical practitioner before taking part.

We are observing every possible safeguarding consideration we can think of to do our best to keep you safe and to have a positive online experience. We have compiled this online safety policy in conjunction with our existing GDPR and safeguarding policies.


Children and adult dancers should be appropriately dressed for online ballet classes for their safety.

Social Media

Please do not record or share any Susyballet online content on any social media platform which contains other people’s children without prior consent.


Susyballet will endeavour to make any online teaching platform used (such as Zoom) as safe as possible, by using private rooms which are password protected, but please be aware that the responsibility for your child accessing class in this way lies ultimately with you, the parent. Students will gain many positive benefits from being able to see their friends during an online class but once again, this feature must only be used by students if they themselves (adults)or parents (in the case of those under 18) are happy about this.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the policy relating to Susyballet online teaching, I have explained the appropriate rules to my child/children (in an age appropriate way) and I give permission for my child to participate in accordance with the above policy.

Code of behaviour and good practice

To protect children and vulnerable adults and to help identify any practices which could be misinterpreted or lead to false allegations, Susyballet and its staff and volunteers must adhere to the following Code of behaviour and good practice:

  1. All students including children and vulnerable adults should be treated with respect

  2. Susyballet endeavours to meet the ratio guidelines and adult supervision advice recommended by the RAD and the NSPCC for all activities involving children and adults with care & support needs by requesting that parent/guardian/supervising adults remain in the studio for the duration of all nursery and pre-primary classes. For Primary classes (age 5/year 1) up to age 8, the adult to child ratio is 1 to 6. For ages 9 and above the ratio is 1 to 10. For children aged 5 and above, we kindly request that parents/guardians/supervising adults remain close to the venue and easily contactable for the duration of classes. This advice is applicable to all classes at the Scout Hut. 

  3. Respect should be given to all students’ right to privacy including children and adults with care & support needs.

  4. On occasion, it may be necessary for teaching staff at Susyballet to use physical touch to explain correct alignment or to assist with safe and effective teaching of dance. This should always be provided openly and in front of other students. Please also refer to our safe touch policy for further details. 

  5. Feedback should always be constructive and language used should never be threatening or upsetting.

  6. Private or unobserved contact with a young person or vulnerable adult should be avoided unless authorised on the consent form by a parent or guardian (e.g. for a 1.1 private dance lesson). 

  7. Be extra vigilant to the signs of abuse or bullying with children who have SEN/disabilities. They are especially vulnerable to abuse and may over or under react to such behaviour and be unable to show any signs outwardly because of communication barriers.

  8. In the case of children who have SEN/disabilities, never assume that their behaviour/mood or injuries are purely a result of their conditions. Always explore further.

  9. If first aid is required, where possible it should be administered by a trained first aider in the presence of another adult. All staff at Susyballet will have first aid training. Consent to administer first aid and/or obtain other medical treatment in loco parentis will be obtained in writing. All accidents will be recorded and in the case of serious injury, reported to the HSE. An incident report form will be completed if the first aider has any safeguarding concerns as a result of administering first aid. 

  10. Whenever possible, students should arrive for class wearing the appropriate Susyballet uniform underneath their outdoor clothes. For their comfort and safety, students should not arrive and depart in just their dance uniform. If they need to change on the premises, there are toilets for males, females and the disabled on site and these should be used by the appropriate gender for changing. Please do not change in public areas. Mobile telephones, cameras, photographic or filming devices should not be used in changing room or toilet facilities. During class, children in classes from Primary upwards, will be allowed to leave the studio to use the toilet if necessary. Children will always be sent one child at a time. In the Scout hut, the toilets are located at the back of the studio and there is no way to exit the building from the toilets. We ask children to go to the toilet before class and for parents to remain in the building or very close by in order to supervise their children. 

  11. Written parental/guardian consent should always be obtained by Susyballet for the use of any photographs, film or videos involving children and adults with care & support needs. Written consent must also be obtained for the use of photographs, films or videos involving adult students of Susyballet. This should clearly indicate in which way the photographs, films or videos will be used.

  12. Any incidents, allegations or suspicions of abuse should be reported immediately to the designated lead safeguarding officer.

  13. Susyballet staff and volunteers should never leave children in their care unsupervised.

  14. Susyballet staff and volunteers should never play rough, physical or sexually provocative games, involving or observed by children or adults with care & support needs

  15. Susyballet staff and volunteers should never allow or engage in any form of inappropriate physical activity involving children or vulnerable adults, or any bullying of a child by an adult or another child

  16. Never form or seek to form relationships of a sexual nature which may lead to sexual activity (i.e grooming)

  17. Never allow children or vulnerable adults to use inappropriate language without challenging it

  18. Never make sexually suggestive or discriminatory comments even in jest

  19. Never intentionally reduce a child or adult with care & support needs to tears as a form of control

  20. Never use any physical punishment as part of disciplining a child or adult with care & support needs

  21. Never use harsh criticism or shout

  22. Never consume alcohol or take drugs during the working day or when involved in activities with children or adult with care & support needs

  23. Never give their personal contact details to a child or adult with care & support needs whom they have met through work including via social media sites.

  24. Never allow themselves to get into a situation where an abuse of trust may occur – this means not forming a close personal relationship (sexual or otherwise) with a child or adult with care & support needs, even if they are consenting to such a relationship.

  25. Never transport a child or adult with care & support needs in a personal vehicle unless consent has been given by a parent or guardian. If this becomes necessary in an emergency then the designated safeguarding officer must be informed.

  26. Never allow allegations made by a child or adult with care & support needs to go unrecorded or not acted upon in accordance with these or other Susyballet procedures.

  27. Never undertake to help a child or adult with care & support needs with personal activities which they can do for themselves (such as washing or dressing). If a child is disabled, such tasks should only be performed with the full understanding and consent of and where appropriate, assistance from parents or carers. An adult with care & support needs may be able to give consent themselves. 

  28. Any incidents which cause concern in respect of a child or a vulnerable adult must be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer.

  29. All Susyballet staff and volunteers on induction, will be made aware of child protection issues, signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated safeguarding lead.

  30. Susyballet staff will keep up to date with technical skills, qualifications, memberships and insurances related to teaching dance.

  31. Susyballet teaching staff will strive to recognise the developmental needs and capacity of children and adult with care & support needs and avoid excessive training or competition and not pushing them against their will.

  32. All Staff and volunteers working for Susyballet hold an up to date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

  33. For performances and competitions, it may be necessary for chaperone licences and performance licences for children to be obtained from local authorities. All staff and volunteers working for Susyballet will have appropriate licences for such occasions.

  34. All staff at Susyballet will attend regular first aid training sessions.

  35. Teaching staff employed by Susyballet will be qualified dance teachers or trainee dance teachers/dance students (assistants). Trainee dance teachers will be registered with appropriate teaching organisations.  References will be sought. All staff will be expected to carry out their professional teaching roles within the guidelines of the code of conduct of their particular dance organisation. Where possible, except in exceptional circumstances, the same staff member will teach and provide administration every session.

  36. Susyballet has public liability insurance for the protection of staff and students.

  37. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of your child’s class to ensure that your child is ready for class. Please make sure they are dressed appropriately for class and have been to the toilet. This is to ensure that your child/children and their peers get the best experience and enjoyment from their dance class. Late comers may miss important information and warm up exercises which are designed to prepare the mind and body for exercise and prevent injury.

  38. Please make sure that children are handed over to the teacher at the hall and not sent into the hall by themselves.

  39. It is very important that we have a list of permitted adults, their relationship to the child and their contact details, for collection of children at the end of class. It is very important that this list is kept up to date. If there are to be any changes to this list, then an email preferably must be sent to well in advance of the class outlining written permission and name and contact details of the person who will be supervising and collecting. Alternatively a parent/guardian can give this information in person to the teacher at the start of class

  40. If someone not on the child’s list arrives to collect a child, they will have to wait until Parental permission has been granted by telephone, text message or email. This is very time consuming for all involved and negatively impacts on other children’s’ dance classes, so please take the time in advance to ensure we know who is collecting your child. This is for the safety of your children in our care.

  41. Children will be signed in on a register at the start of class and the teacher will hand them over to a parent or other permitted adult at the end of class. Children will not be allowed to exit the building without an adult.

  42. In the unlikely event that a child is not collected from class, the teacher will remain with the child until contact has been made with the parent/guardian and the child has subsequently been collected. If the parent/guardian cannot be contacted within a reasonable amount of time then the emergency contact details will be contacted to arrange collection. As a last resort, the police will be contacted in the event of not being able to contact parents/guardians/emergency contacts.

  43. There are no facilities for parents to wait inside the scout hut so we advise parents to wait in their cars or outside the building on the Green, but in all cases to kindly remain close by and contactable.

  44. We would kindly ask that you remain close by and contactable by mobile phone in case of emergencies.

  45. It is of upmost importance that Susyballet receives updated contact details in the case of new phone numbers, new mobile numbers, new email addresses, new home addresses etc. … These should be emailed through to the office as soon as they change so we can keep our records updated and ultimately keep your children safe.

  46. As a general rule, we would ask you not to take photos of your children whilst attending Susyballet classes, however, during special events such as parents watching week at the end of term, You are permitted to film and take photos of your own children but please use this only for your own family use. Do not put any photos or film on social media of anyone else’s children without their permission.




Susy Morley (Principal of Susyballet)



This policy statement comes into force as of August 2019.

Reviewed 5 April 2020, August 2020, September 2023, January 2024

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